IAT-334: Interface Design

IAT 334 Interface Design, is a design course offered by SFU interactive arts and technology program. It focuses on user interface, user experience, creating mockups, styleguides, wireframes, FlowCharts and theory of design principles. I took the course on Spring 2018.

Re-design of social media websites

In this project we were asked to make a mock of social networking website. After several sketches, I came up with a minimalist design. I devided contents in grids of three. Left side is live preview of upcoming events, center is the posts and right side is list of the friends. The reason for this design is to avoid Confusion and to not overwhel users with too many contents. For the color scheme I chose to go with dark blue for background, red for headlines and white for texts. I chose red for heading to direct user’s attention to content. Also use of white text on black helps the contents to be more readable.

 Social Media Final Design (Using JustInMind)

Add two non-existing features to "Bumble" app

In this project we were asked to add two non-existing features to an application, in our case “Bumble”. My partner and I researched to find the most needed feature. We came up with the following missing features:
1-Ability to hide profile from FaceBook friends.
2-Adding story

Ordering Cinema Ticket (Mockup App)

  Wireframes of the app

  High-fidelity of the app

Remake of canvas webpage

  Done in Axure

 Canvas Webpage Redesigned

 Original Canvas Website